Sudbury innovation group seeking feedback on deep mining practices

Sudbury’s Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation (CEMI) is seeking feedback on deep mining practices from mining industry stakeholders.

The organization will host the first annual Northern Ontario Deep Mining Ecosystem Development Workshop on March 28 at the Steelworkers Hall in Sudbury.

The one-day event is geared toward representatives of operating mines, subject matter experts, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), startups and innovators, and research institutions.

Topics to be covered include:

intensity of mine production – higher production, higher ore value, lower cost;
energy consumption – reducing the total amount of energy consumed; and
integration of digital technologies and automation.
Participants will be required to attend all three sessions, which will be moderated by an industry expert. Feedback will be provided to participants in a summary report.

Through the workshop, CEMI aims to gather input to help the organization secure more funding for the Ultra-Deep Mining Network (UDMN), which studies ways to make ultra-deep mining (below 2.5 kilometres) safer, more practical and more efficient.

The information will also form the basis of CEMI’s upcoming presentation at the Future of Deep Mining Conference, to be held in Toronto Sept. 19-20.

CEMI helps accelerate the adoption of innovation in mines to achieve step-change improvement in performance.